Ek en my huis, ons sal die Here dien.

    Who is Glen Snyman?

  Glen Snyman was born in Oudtshoorn. 

  He is a qualified school teacher and is currently teaching at a

  school somewhere in the Little Karoo.

  He has a love for technology, computer programming,

  mathematics, reading, the law, the gospel and politics.

  He is the founder and leader of the activist group PARC - People

  Against Race Classification that was founded on 1 October 2010. 

  He also founded Death Penalty Supporters in January 2023, and

  Pardoning Teachers' Movement in March 2024. 

  With the help of the loyal and active PARC supporters, they

  constituted the Oudtshoorn-Khoi Community (OKC) in

  September 2022. They also answered to the call and

  invitation by the national Commission on Khoi-San Matters

  (CKSM) to have this community also "recognised"  under the

  Traditional and  Khoi-San Leadership Act 3 of 2019 as part of

  the Cape-Khoi community.


  The Oudtshoorn-Khoi Community is self-defined, self-determined

  and independent. Its members identify culturally as the first nation

  people of South Africa - the Khoikhoi / Khoekhoe people. 

  Glen Snyman do not want to be referred to by any traditional 

  titles l(Chief) and accept to be called on his name or surname, 

  as Mr. or as brother. Sometimes people will also refer to him as

  Leader Snyman / Glen.


 Download the DNA report / information of Glen Snyman: 



 Download the DNA report / information of : Mr Christo Van der Rheede

Where can you take your DNA test?

 You can have your DNA test done through Mediclinic Precise Ancestry Test. Click on the link below.
