Does a Zulu, a Xhosa, a Jew, or a Afrikaner person ever stop to be a Zulu, a Xhosa,  a Jew or a Afrikaner person? 

  No, they never stop to exist as such! Then why should there be an end date for the existence of a Khoi person!?

   You are what you believe you are, forever. The Khoi people will exist forever.

  In the 1904 Cape Census, 92 181 Khoi people where counted in the Cape area. No mass genocide where

  recorded after this year. This is proof that the Khoi people still exist up to the present day in South Africa.



        There exist different cultural groups in South Africa. Here are the different groups that we have identified.


         A. KHOI-SAN : Khoikhoi (KhoeKhoe) / Cape-Khoi, San, Griqua, Nama, Korana.

         B. NGUNI TRIBES : Xhosa, Zulu, Sotho, Baphedi, Batswana, Tsonga, Swati, Venda, Ndebele.

         C. EUROPEAN DESCENDANTS : Dutch, British, German, Greek, Italian, Jews, etc.

         D. ASIAN : Malay, Hindu, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, etc.

         E. NEW SOUTH AFRICAN : Afrikaner, English, Coloured/Kleurling, Blacks/Swartmense, Whites/Witmense, Brown/Bruinmense, Gemeng, 


         AFRICAN(S) / AFRIKAAN / AFRIKANE : Dit verwys tradisioneel in Suid-Afrika na Swartmense. In sommige gevalle verwys dit na

         Bruinmense ook. Tegnies gesproke is all Suid-Afrikaanse burgers, insluitende Witmense, Africans/Afrikane, want hulle is gebore en bly

         op die kontinent Afrika/Africa.

          AFRIKANERS : Dit verwys tradisioneel in Suid-Afrika na Witmense/Blankes. Sekere Bruinmense verwys soms na hulself ook deesdae 

          as Afrikaners. Nie alle Afrikaans sprekende mense wil na verwys word as "Afrikaners" nie.


         Go to the Camissa Museum's website and read more about the history of the South African people.


         The last Cape census recorded the composition of the ‘Coloured People of British South Africa’ as:

          - 1 114 067 Xhosa, Thembu, Tswana and Sotho;

          - 310 720 Mfengu;

          - 279 662 ‘Mixed-Other;

          - 85 892 ‘Hottentots’ (Nama, Cape Khoe, Hill Damara, and Korana);

          - 15 682 Indians;

          - 8 489 Cape Malays;

          - 6 289 Griqua;

          - 4 168 ‘Bushmen’ (San);

          - 579 741 Europeans.